Zip Fest

A Silent Revolution in Performing Arts

Zip Fest is a new curatorial theatre festival created by The Hive to celebrate the art of storytelling through gesture and movement where silence is the language of inclusion, and the heart of diversity beats in unison.

Essentially wordless and multi-disciplinary, Zip Fest seeks to break free from the constraints of written and spoken language, championing the power of silent storytelling. It aims to transcend linguistic barriers, inviting everyone to share in the universal language of art. The festival is open to everyone who has a silent story to share.

Zip Fest represents The Hive Performing Arts’ commitment to expanding their programs and services to meet the changing needs of Brampton’s diverse community and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). It’s a celebration of culture, creativity, and connection without borders—a reminder that sometimes, in the absence of words, the most profound stories are told.

Zip Fest promises to feature a variety of performances, including solo acts, group performances, and even workshops for aspiring artists. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a curious spectator, attending Zip Fest will be an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of mime and silent theatre and witness some of the most innovative and captivating performances.

Zip Fest Schedule

Get ready to embark on a journey of creativity and collaboration with our festival schedule, meticulously designed to guide participants through preparation, coordination, and ultimately, captivating performances.

Registrations & Allocation of Performance Slots:


May, 2024

Briefing, Orientation & Workshop.


June, 2024

Monthly Participants Check-In


June – July, 2024

Marketing, Production & Technical Check-in



Technical Run & Performance Dates.


Aug 7-10, 2024

Curious about how Zip Fest operates?

    Dive into our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for all the insights you need on participation, performance guidelines, judging criteria, and more. Let’s unravel the mysteries and get you ready to shine on stage!

    What is Zip Fest?

    Zip Fest is a collection of silent plays highlighting a variety of genres, featuring locally-based actors, writers, and directors. Each play primarily uses movement and facial expressions instead of spoken words to communicate, similar to pantomime or silent theatre.

    When and Where is the Festival?

    The inaugural Zip Fest will run from August 9th to 10th, 2024, at The Cyril Clark Theatre in Brampton.

    What is the One Unifying Rule for Zip Fest?

    Respect the Silence – Throughout participation, performance, and interaction, honor the essence of silent storytelling by maintaining a respectful and attentive atmosphere, allowing each moment of non-verbal communication to unfold and resonate fully.

    What is the Purpose of the Zip Festival?

    Zip Fest aims to celebrate the art of non-verbal communication through mime, gestures, and expressions, providing a platform for artists to showcase their creativity in this unique art form.

    Who Can Participate in the Festival?

    Zip Fest is open to individual performers aged 16 years (and above), amateur community theatre groups & collectives.

    What are the Performance Requirements for the Festival?

    Performances should focus on non-verbal communication and may include mime, gestures, physical theatre, and expressions.

    They should be original creations and within a specified time limit, typically ranging from 5 to 7 minutes.

    Are There Any Restrictions on usage of Sound and Music?

    All sound and music must adhere to the principle of non-verbal communication, complementing visual storytelling without relying on verbal cues or linguistic elements.

    Will Technical Support Be Available?

    Yes, organizers will provide technical support, including lighting and sound assistance, to ensure smooth execution of performances. Specific technical requirements should be communicated in advance.

    What Are the Benefits of Participating in Zip Fest?

    Participants can showcase their talent, receive feedback, and network with professionals and enthusiasts. Selected performances may receive awards or recognition.

    How Will Performances Be Judged?

    Criteria include creativity, originality, technical skill, and audience engagement, evaluated by a panel of experts. Audience voting determines the People’s Choice, while judges select the Judge’s Choice.

    Can I Volunteer or Support the Festival?

    Yes, volunteers and sponsors are welcome to contribute to Zip Fest’s success. Opportunities will be communicated, and interested parties can contact organizers for details.

    Why is the festival called Zip Fest?

    The festival’s name? It’s a playful nod to those instances when we’ve wanted to ‘zip it,’ embracing the idea that sometimes, words simply can’t do justice to what we’re feeling or experiencing. When words elude us, or when they just don’t quite capture what we’re trying to convey. We’ve all been there.

    So, at Zip fest we delve into the art of silence, where every pause, every glance, becomes a canvas for expression. At Zip Fest, we invite you to immerse yourself in a world where silence is golden, isn’t awkward; it’s electrifying. 

    ‘Zip’ suggests not just silence, but also agility, excitement, and a sense of unity. It’s all about bringing performers and audiences together in a whirlwind of creativity, where words are left behind, and the magic of silent storytelling takes center stage.

    Ready to Zip It?

    “Have more questions or ready to embark on this transformative experience?

    Email us on

    Register for Zip Fest

    Fill out the form below, and we’ll reach out to you for a conversation about your participation in the festival. 

    Your Role In The Performance

    Please take a moment to confirm your availability for all four dates listed below. Your unavailability during any of the listed dates may affect your participation.

    I acknowledge that my participation in Zip Fest is subject to confirmation by the festival organizers. Submission of this registration form does not guarantee participation, and final approval is at the discretion of the organizers.

    10 + 7 =

    Zip Fest is funded in part by City of Brampton’s Advanced Brampton Fund.